To grain or to legume? Or just vegetate? Bere with me…

When or where do I stop on this new quest, that is the question…

Are legumes grains? No, as they’re considered to be vegetables, but hell, still, I’m going to include them. What about watermelons, are they grains? No, but they do have seeds in them, so am going to include them as well. What about vegetables? Well, they’re grains, so yes. Gotta include them.

OK, so it may be easier to say what isn’t going to be included: No pigs. No fish. No fruits. There. Simple. Saved myself hours, weeks, no, years, of research and typing. Should have finished this site by the time I drop off this mortal coil then…

FARE magazine, 3rd Edition "Charleston"

FARE magazine, 3rd Edition “Charleston”

…and I just heard at this point of the very sad news of the death of Jonathan Gold, from pancreatic cancer, at the age of 57. Selfishly, one of my first thoughts, like when Tony Bourdain died, a little over a month ago now, was “Crap, I lament his going so damn early because I want to read all those stories he’ll never now write”. Another one of the really good and honourable guys has gone far too early. Crap, crap, crap.

OK, then. This site is a natural follow-up to Salute The Pig. A sibling site, it will explore the history, importance and background to the ancient (and some more modern) grains that the human race have depended upon for thousands of years. Follow along. Watch this space…